2023-12-14 20:43:07 -

2023-12-14 20:43:29 -
容量大小:超大,非常够用 做工细节:做工质量很好,细节到位。 实用性能:背部腰部舒适。

2023-12-14 20:44:35 -

2023-12-14 20:44:40 -

2023-12-14 20:45:17 -
容量大小:很大,可以放很多东西,层次分明 做工细节:严丝合缝,没有线头 外观颜值:大气 实用性能:很实用 适用场景:商务,旅游,大学生都可以用

2023-12-14 20:46:49 -
京东自营的快递物流不在话下的,次日达很快就拿到快递啦!包装的完好无损,而且配送员的态度也非常nice~ 给对象挑的这个背包,相对于手提商务包他更喜欢双肩背包,所以就挑了这个,感觉这个包的设计真的超级实用,不论是里头还是外面,可以挂眼镜的部分,可以套在行李箱手柄的部分,真的我看着都很喜欢很满意,对象看了也是挺喜欢的。好评好评~

2023-12-14 20:46:49 -

2023-12-14 20:47:52 -

2023-12-14 20:47:56 -
"宝贝已收到,是我想要的,手感很好,质量也挺好,很满意,容量大,方便携带实用性和颜值都非常的赞,我很喜欢,还会再来买的,有问题客服也很快就解决了,态度非常好,一定好评!做工也很好,用起来很方便,下次还会购买,很喜欢,面料材质:面料不错 质量又好, 使用便捷性:可以放很多东西。值得推荐。

2023-12-14 20:49:48 -

I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Sun Sets With You - Personalized

This fully customized rusted steel style sign will make the perfect gift for anyone who wants to commemorate a special place or who has a special message to display. The beautiful steel appearance will look fabulous with any home or office decor.

Message: “I want to spend the rest of my sun sets with you”.

Product details:

  • Material: made with .032 UV treated heavy gauge aluminum, which means they are built to last.
  • Size: 12.5 x 17.5 inches & 8 x 12 inches.
  • Sublimation creates a super tough image that is fused into the surface of the metal making it almost impossible to scratch.
  • You can install these signs anywhere indoors or outdoors though we do recommend not placing them in direct sunlight to avoid fading over time.


  • Please fill in the required fields and double-check your spelling before purchasing.
  • To ensure the best looking, please use standard English only and exclude special characters.
  • Click "Preview Your Personalization" to get a glimpse of your beautiful creation at the final step. 

Please note: These signs are not textured. Any rust, scratches or other markings are part of the images used to give the sign its aged appearance. The finish is smooth gloss.

        Tags:best sellers,custom=clipart,customily,Metal Sign,metal signs,MS-L017,Personalized,rnd=Lucie

        Size - 8X12 INCH,12.5X17.5 INCH

        Dallas Cowboys 3D Digital Printed Hoodie

        very satisfied look 100% like the real thing
        - United States


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